Monkey Island Wiki
Pirahna poodles

Pirahna Poodles were a dangerous breed of guard dogs.

They were ferocious and would devour meat in seconds.


Secret of Monkey Island[]

Elaine Marley kept a pack outside her mansion on Melee Island protecting it from intruders.

Guybrush Threepwood managed to get past them by spiking some meat with a flower that would make them drowsy and fall asleep. The game would then show a message saying that the dogs are "not dead, just sleeping".

Escape from Monkey Island[]

When Charles L. Charles barged into the Governors mansion uninvited, Elaine Marley warned him to leave else she would set her Pirahna Poodles on him.

Tales of Monkey Island[]

Though unseen in the game, LeChuck told Elaine Marley that he had left Threepwood to be devoured by his pack of the dogs.
